Frequently Asked Questions for 父母 and 家庭

  • For privacy reasons, we will not give out a student’s information, however, we would be happy to contact your student and leave your student a message to contact you.

  • Your student should contact their Resident Assistant (RA). RA, in conjunction with the Resident Director (RD)/Coordinator, will help your student to navigate the conflict and mediate if necessary. Our ultimate goal is to assist students in resolving their conflicts. 如果有必要的话, our staff can also assist with a room move based upon the vacancies available on campus.

  • Your student should log into myCharger and click the Facilities icon to submit a work ticket to request a repair.

  • Resident Assistants (RAs) are student staff specially trained to assist students who live in each residence hall. RAs plan programs and activities to help you get to know each other and build a sense of c社区所 and a positive feeling within your hall. RAs are on duty in the evenings and available to assist their c社区所 members should a 关注 or urgent situation arise as well as to address incidents involving University policies. RAs are a great resource if you have are question, 关注, or are just looking to get more involved on campus.

    Academic Peer Mentors (APMs) are student staff assigned to each first-year residence hall to provide academic support and guidance to the residential c社区所. apm提供学习技巧方面的课程, 时间管理, and academic exploration to name a few and receive training through the Center for Student Success and 住宿生活处.

    Coordinators and Resident Directors are live-in professional staff members who directly supervise the Resident Assistant staff. They provide leadership and guidance for their residence hall c社区所. Their offices are typically located within the residence halls.

  • Your student can find the list of what to bring on myCharger on the Residential Life page. Any specific questions can be directed to the 住宿生活处.

  • Siblings are welcome to visit for the day; however, siblings under the age of 18 are not permitted to spend the night in the residence halls. More information regarding the Guest Policy can be found in the Student Handbook in the 住宿生活处 section.

  • 强化学习社区, 通常称为ELCs, are communities within our first-year residence areas. Students are grouped together based upon their intended major or common interest. Each ELC works directly with a faculty advisor and a RA who plan programs, 实地考察旅行, and other activities based upon the theme of each ELC. 欲知更多有关elc的资料,请 点击这里.

  • 点击这里 for the academic calendar that will provide this information.

  • All students are required to complete a housing license agreement which is binding for the academic year. 如需更多资料,请 点击这里.

  • C社区所 Has All Residents G划船、 Engaging, & Discovering

    The mission of the 住宿生活处 is to create a safe, 支持, 包容, and engaged learning environment that enhances student's holistic development. We provide opportunities for students to create c社区所 and implement a vision for their future.


    Our vision is for the residential c社区所 to create spirited life-long Chargers.

    # LivingChargedORL

    In partnership with members of the 网赌上分平台, we will:

    • Build collaborative relationships that connect students with university partners to support academic success and personal development.
    • Co-create a residential environment that intentionally seeks student input and feedback by practicing open and honest dialogue.
    • Immerse students in a c社区所 engagement model that prepares them to be active members of the university c社区所 and emerge as responsible global citizens.
    • Foster an environment of mutual respect that promotes discovery and appreciation of self and one another.

    To serve our missions, we commit to co-creating a student-centered environment that values:

    • 好奇心和发现
    • 富有创意的表达方式
    • 真实而公平的关系
    • 归属感和自豪感
    • 为自己和他人辩护

    Recognize the effort, appreciate the contributions, celebrate the journey.

  • 点击这里 浏览更多有关住宿生活的资料.